Current Bond Hour Opportunities, News (Clearview Minor Hockey)

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Dec 09, 2024 | Christa Duits | 224 views
Current Bond Hour Opportunities
All current bond hour opportunities are posted to our website and available for easy sign up! Link below. 

Volunteers are needed this Wednesday for our PICTURE NIGHT as well as for our Battle for the Cup jamboree's and our upcoming youth dance.

Each family is required to complete 15 hours this season and a large portion of the opportunities for the year are listed.

** Why does Clearview Minor Hockey require bond hours?**

Tournaments and community events also help the association raise the funds necessary to cover things like ice time, ref's, insurance, equipment etc.

Your help with these events allows us to keep registration fees lower and still offer things like additional, valuable development sessions to your Canucks.

You may have also noticed that we have expanded on the Home Tournaments that we have hosted in these past two seasons.

Our U11-U18 rep teams were able to compete in a successful 3 day early bird tournament in October.
Additionally - our LL teams will compete in our Holiday Classic over the winter break.

Most teams do 3 tournaments per season which now includes this home tournament. Being able to compete at home means less travel, less time off work and no hotel stays and restaurant bills… and who can forget home ice advantage?

We appreciate your continued support of the minor hockey in Clearview Township and welcome any questions or comments you may have.

Current Bond Hour Opportunities