Sep 17, 2022 | jcaughy | 1184 views
It's that time of year everyone loves!!!
Welcome to our returning and new Canucks to the 2022/2023 hockey season!
Your CMH Executive has been
working hard preparing for this upcoming hockey season and are excited to be getting back to the sounds
of the rink, family and friends in the stands cheering, teammates supporting
each other, and the familiar smells of the arena (aka sweaty hockey gear)!!!
2022/2023 season is set to start on Friday September 23, 2022 with pre-season skates at the Stayner Community Centre!
As we did last season, all players (U7 and up) will start off with pre-skates for the first week, before try-outs begin.
To accommodate the number of players on the ice at one time, players have been split by first initial of last name for some divisions
Note: These pre-skate groupings DO NOT reflect your team for the playing season
Please refer to the Organizational Calendar for age group, date and time for ALL pre-skates.