Message from the CMH President, News (Clearview Minor Hockey)

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Apr 19, 2022 | jcaughy | 1327 views
Message from the CMH President
Dear Clearview Canucks family,

I am writing to announce my resignation as president of Clearview Minor Hockey effective April 18th, 2022.  It has been my honour to serve on the executive for the past 12 seasons but I must take a step back to focus on my health.

At an executive meeting April 18th, as per CMH constitution, section 9.4, Vice President, Steve Cotton will takeover as president for the remainder of my term. Rob Kinghan will move into the Vice President role and Dale Lightheart will be the Rep Convenor for 2022/23.

I am so proud of all we have accomplished and wish continued success for the executive going forward.

I look forward to seeing everyone at the AGM where we will elect the remaining available positions tomorrow night!

Val Hughes 