CMH President's Message, News (Clearview Minor Hockey)

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Aug 18, 2020 | Jcaughy | 1753 views
CMH President's Message
To our Canucks Families; 

On behalf of the executive, we would like to thank you for your patience as we navigate these unprecedented times. Under the direction of the OHF we will be working closely with both the Health Unit and the Township of Clearview on a plan to return to hockey that ensures the safety of our players and their families. This plan must be submitted to and approved by the OMHA prior to anyone permitted on the ice.

What we know right now based on the OHF guidelines is as follows:

• We will not be able to offer the IP program or our Junior Canucks for players born in the year 2014 or after. There is only programming for Minor Novice and above. Although this is devastating, we understand that given all the physical distancing and restrictions on people permitted in the facility, it just is not feasible at this time. **If you have submitted any funds, please contact Tisyn Milne for a full refund.

• A wellness check form will be required for all participants every time they enter the building. More details will follow as we get closer to start up

• There will be no tryouts. There will be a minimum of a 2 week evaluation period and players will be placed on teams with a balance of skill

No Rep or Select teams

Teams will consist of a maximum of 10 players; 9 skaters and 1 goalie, along with 1 coach and 1 trainer

• We will most likely play 3 on 3 format, but it will depend on the numbers at each level

Deadline for registration is Sept 1st. **Fees will resume being collected as of September 1st and are required to be paid in full by the time players hit the ice.  

N0 bond hours for the 2020/2021 season

NO door fees for the 2020/2021 season, IF/WHEN spectators are allowed. At this time we 
do not know if spectators will be allowed as this is decided by the facility and no decisions in this regard have been made.

Please keep in mind that this is a fluid situation and as we proceed through the stages, rules my change as per OHF guidelines. Hockey will look quite different for the 2020/2021 season but the important thing is there will be hockey! As long it is safe!

Please do not hesitate to reach out to me if you have questions. I will do my best to answer them but there are a lot of decisions that remain to be made.

Valerie Hughes
President, CMH
