Hockey Suspended for 2019/2020 Season, News (Clearview Minor Hockey)

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Mar 14, 2020 | Jcaughy | 1232 views
Hockey Suspended for 2019/2020 Season
To our Clearview Canucks players, families, volunteers and supporters,

Although this is not the ending we would have wanted for our inaugural season we understand the decision of the OMHA to suspend hockey indefinitely. This means that Clearview Minor Hockey's season is over.

All OMHA sanctioned events are therefore cancelled:
Coaching clinic
Coaches vs Firefighters
Charity game
Trivia night

The existing executive will continue until such time we can hold an AGM. We thank all the families that made the time to complete their bond hours. Our organization cannot operate without the participation of our members. But NO BOND CHEQUES WILL BE CASHED this season for families that ran out of opportunities to complete the 6 hours.

As for the banquet, year end gifts and Esso medals will be given to the coaches to distribute as they see fit. We will miss the chance to celebrate all of our achievements but the health and safety of all players comes first.

Trainers and managers will be contacted to make arrangements to drop off trainer's kits and cleaned jerseys.

I would like to thank all of the coaches, trainers and managers that volunteered their time to make this season a success. It was an exciting first season and you should all be proud of how you came together as Canucks! Stay tuned to the website for updates about the AGM!

Val Hughes
President, CMH