Please note the following:
All executive positions will become vacant & up for nominations at the AGM. If you are interested in any of the positions but are unable to attend the meeting, please send your request in writing and a short summary about yourself, backgound, etc to
Ann Flynn. Your name will be put forth on your behalf.
Clearview Minor Hockey Executive Positions:
Vice President
Georgian Bay Minor Hockey League (GBMHL) Representative/OMHA Centre Contact/AAA Rep
Georgian Bay Triangle Local League (GBTLL) Representative
Ice Scheduler
Equipment Manager
Registrar/Privacy Officer
Referee in Chief
Fundraising Director
Head Coach
Head Trainer
IP Director
Player Development
Tournament Convenor
Bond Hours Director
For job descriptions, please click the link:
New Constitution: We will be voting on a new constitution which encompasses both centres. Please click the link:
Clearview_Minor_Hockey_Constitution_(Draft) to review
Proxies will not be permitted. Members must be present in person at Additional General Meetings and Annual General Meetings of the Membership in order to exercise their voting rights in relation to matters coming before the committee & membership.