Sep 06, 2018 | ctaggart | 691 views
Rep Tryout Schedule
Rep Tryouts will be held at the Essa Arena on September 14th, 16th & 22nd
Cost is $40.00 - Bond cheques will be required and any outstanding payments before players will be permitted on the ice.
Please ensure your player(s) have full equipment including mouth guards!
Friday, September 14th
6:00 pm Atom Rep
7:00 pm Peewee Rep
8:00 pm Bantam Rep
9:00 pm Midget Rep
Sunday, September 16th
10 am Atom Rep
11 am Peewee Rep
12 pm Bantam Rep
1 pm Midget Rep
Saturday, September 22nd
2 pm Atom Rep
3 pm Peewee Rep
4 pm Bantam Rep
5 pm Midget Rep